
Born in Houston, Texas, in 1979, Forrest Solis grew-up in a Chicago suburb and attended the Chicago Academy of the Arts high school. Solis received her B.F.A. in 2001 from the Kansas City Art Institute and an M.F.A. in 2003 from Indiana University. While studying at Indiana University, she received the prestigious Dedalus Foundation Master of Fine Arts Fellowship. Solis taught as Assistant Professor of Art at DePauw University, Indiana, until 2006 and is currently an Associate Professor of Art at Arizona State University in Phoenix.
Solis’ paintings have been exhibited in numerous locations throughout the United States and have been reproduced/reviewed in several publications, including American Art Collector, Arts+Culture Magazine, Direct Art, and Studio Visit. Paintings by Forrest Solis are in the Kinsey Institute permanent collection and the Newt Walker collection, among others.